Friday, October 28, 2011

Innovation Today

As I sit here today at Aspen Coffee House in Menasha, WI, I have again been invigorated to push forward with the transformation of education. I came here today to work on my grad work, and I expected to knock out a ton of tasks which I needed to get done. However, as you can see from this blog post, my mind has shifted to getting my current mindset digitized. About a half an hour ago I started to get bogged down with the formal process of how I need to put together my grad research paper. I love to be organized, and I need structure and process to move least that's what my current Strengthfinder 2.0 survey told me. Don't get me wrong, all of the previously mentioned skills are needed, but to be innovative, one must continue to be messy and challenge failure. For the past two hours, I have heard three discussions around me discussing challenging the status quo and pushing the envelope. Did I miss something, or are we currently not in a recession with little money flow? The mindset of individuals in this place is inspiring today.

Case Study 1: Fitness and website love
This was an informal business meeting of old friends. They stared by catching up with old times and then a spark began to flame. An innovative connection occurred and the brain spew began to fly. One lady never worked for a company in her life because she always ran her own work environment, however, she has been sought after for years by multiple companies. Recently she connected with a company and is now hired by someone for the first time in her life. No this is not a sit at a desk and someone telling her what to do...instead she is dictating her work environment and what she does. She has CONTROL over everything because she is selling her ideas. She is able to connect everything she is involved with while working for this company. The company gets her enthusiasm and passion to push their products in which she believes in. Her boss is in St. Louis and he is more of a confidant than a boss. Back to today...because of her meeting with her friend they are now hooking up to connect two abstract ideas to create something new. The lady and the Frosted Flakes box they pulled out of the garbage to throw their ideas together, are getting a workout today. Passion in progress! Love it!

Case Study 2: Technology and Intellectual Property: the happy dance group
I had to laugh at the individual coming into the coffee shop, because he reminded me of me. He was practically running around the group he was coming in with telling a story. I can tell he is truly in his "Element" (@sirkenrobinson). To find out...he is the current failure (loosely associated term) in their group. His abstract ideas are not ready for the Fox Valley Area because he is trying to sell and create intellectual property in technology. People will not buy what he is selling because there are no assets to sell if the business venture fails. The group of individuals he is with, are highly motivated and successful in the Fox Valley. They believe in the failed individual, and have started to throw ideas around. So, where does the happy dance come in? Two phone calls were made to Silicon Valley in the last half an hour, and this individual is now going to be taking a two week hiatus to grow his idea. The only warning they gave him...once you go, you will not come back. (Insert Happy Dance Here) WOW! The discussion continues to flow and revolve around is the Fox Valley ready for this? Pushing innovation forward!

Other discussions from Case Study 2: Open source aircraft hardware - Canadian Project (This is for @jimnchetek)

Case Study 3: Old and young- voices to push forward with advice
A recent college grad, meeting with a mentor of choice for advice. Innovative ideas coming to fruition. The college grad is working on final tweaks to implement a program for over 200 people. She has all the answers, but the mentor is here to help her put it into words. A true Strength Based Aproach!

What do all of these have in common? There are thought partners and a group of individuals working together for the betterment of society and the world around them.

So What? (a Barney Slowey special) Are our schools fostering this type of thinking, and not only fostering, but ENCOURAGING the development and innovation of ideas to move forward? THIS IS THE UNDERLYING QUESTION OF MY GRAD PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I need to keep moving forward to develop this type of atmosphere in schools, or as I would like to call them- "Learning Environments!" People here today are autonomous thinkers, they are supported by others, they are willing to take calculated risks, and they are passionate about what they are involved with. Not one of the conversations that is happening around me is forced, or is being done because someone is telling them that it has to happen. I know from the conversations around me, that not everyone is rich, I do not know what type of car they drive, or how big of a house they live in....but, I do know that there is something burning inside of each and every one of them. They are not just here on Earth... they are LIVING a life that they are dictating with purpose. Is this not what students should leave schools with?

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